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Beauty Blog

a Revolution

This is definitely a revolution in makeup. Whoever thought of the name was truely a genious in all marketing respects. So the makeup has to live up to its name and it does.

I have tried a few of makeup-revolution products and I must say I have been impressed. Not only for the quality, but also because of the price.

I love the highlighters and the eyeshadows. However, I have been the most impressed with the foil eyeshadows. When it comes to quality and price these are not far from their counterparts Stila’s foil eyeshadows. They are slightly different but I think for the price these eyeshadows are a great alternative and will save the pennies.

Makeup Revolution

These foil eyeshadows give great colour on the eyes and when combined with the single eyeshadows, it makes for sensational colour. So you can use these on their own for a sizzling shine or combine it with another colour to make a unique eye colour.

I must admit I was highly impressed with this formulation and for just £4 it is much more affordable than the Stila ones at £33.

All in all this a great foil eyeshadow not to be missed and a line that just can’t be ignored!


New Years Eve

New Years Eve (NYE) is about celebration. Really from another prospective the time is going so fast that celebrating a year gone in life is a tad sad. Sigh. xx

But celebrating can be deemed as welcoming the New Year in with good tidings and love. Whether it is with the one you love, some friends or just your loving family. Enjoyment is the key.

So spending New Years Eve with the family is the best possible way to welcome the New Year in.

In the past on NYE I have been out to the town but this can be rather expensive with all the bookings and of course the taxi back.

So bring out the gladrags and the beautifying treatments for a nice cosy night in with the family and in laws. 😉

This year it’s mostly about the food and watching the fireworks from the comfort of your warm and cosy house or if you’re brave you can venture out into the cold. But me being a bit of a homely person loves to stay indoors. 🙂

Is it worth spending the money or just relaxing in the comfort of your own home?

Blog Desi Vibes Eid events

Another wedding, Another suit

You can’t beat a good wedding, whether a family one or one of your friend’s.

Sometimes dressing up can be such a chore and on other times it can be a joy, especially when it is a close wedding and you are dressing up with all of your cousins.


The beauty of wearing an Asian / Pakistani shalwar suit is that it can look elegant and transport you into a whole different world.

The dress I am wearing here is from Karachi, Pakistan. My mum bought it and I was really happy with it when she bought it.

It was different to the traditional dresses. It sports an almost maxi dress look that is in fashion now in Pakistan.

The leggings were also great, I haven’t come across anything like it in the UK. It is almost like lycra, but with a dazzling glittery material. It is out of this world, but was I must admit difficult to put on!

I hope you like it, I added a slicing effect, which gives an interesting look.

Jo Malone

Jo Malone

There doesn’t get much more luxury than the Jo Malone brand. A brand that captures the essence of Christmas. The wrapping oozes a certain quality that shows the giver cares.

Jo Malone fragrances are on my list this year. So to mark Christmas Day, I thought what a good way to add a post on Jo Malone and adding it to my shopping sale list!

Here are some glorious images from the range.


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I would just love the mini fragrances. Maybe as a New Year treat, perhaps? Or maybe a luxurious and gorgeous smelling candle. I can’t wait to get to the shops!

What would you choose?

Blog Desi Vibes

Pakistani Style

The Desi Vibe adds some colour into life. I must say a good Desi or Pakistani outfit creates a slick but pretty look.

I just love wearing a good Pakistani/Indian suit on an occasion.

Pakistani, Indian outfit

The above picture is a Pakistani outfit worn on my cousin’s engagement. The colour is very flattering and pretty.

Wearing an outfit like this introduces colours into life without being offensive because it would be worn by all. It also introduces colour that you may not have worn with an English outfit.

Love the colour, patterns and style of the outfit. There is an array of styles that you can choose from, whether a suit (shalwar Kameez) which consists of a dress and a form of trousers, a saree or a lengha (consisting of a top and long skirt).

I will go through designs and types on further blog posts.

Let me know what outfit you love?

rollerball perfume


Rollerballs; a perfume in a mini rollerball form – is the UK market missing a trick?

I have heard on YouTube the mention of various rollerballs that you can get in Sephora. Unfortunately, there are no longer Sephora shops in the UK. I have coveted them from afar.

The beauty of a rollerball is that it is small enough to fit in your handbag.

You can see the beauty of the rollerball at the Sephora website. The website is open for UK shipping, however you have to pay £6 p&p on orders over $75. Also, you can’t ship perfumes to the UK, which is a big disappointment.

I especially want to try the Elizabeth and James Rollerballs. Sigh…

Having searched for rollerballs, I have discovered that you can get Marc Jacobs version in a pack of three from Debenhams.

Plus it would be great if these would not be expensive! Is it me or is the UK market missing a trick???

Beauty Blog


Balayage is a great and versatile style which is becoming more and more popular, even loved by the stars. Balayage is a French word to sweep away or to balayer or paint. Balayage, basically is an overall more natural ombré and highlighted style. It is a style that when done right can transform the hair into a truly beautiful look.

I was lucky enough to have my hair balayage-d. I went to Headmaster recently and they styled my hair in a very lovely balayage style.

The technique uses no foil and is applied directly on the surface of the hair. It is spread in pieces of the hair liberally as not to create a harsh or intense look.

I went for a copper colour rather than a more blonder look, as I think that eventually it will become lighter.

When you search a balayage, you can usually see it displayed in curly hair, but in my picture, my hair is predominantly straight.

balayage hair

I must say I love this style of colour application. It totally transforms my face by complimenting my skin tone, making it more bright and the hair vibrant.

The beauty of a good balayage is that it requires less maintenance, which is ideal for me. I love that it gives me a lovely colour without being overwhelming. A softness which compliments any skin tone. This is a technique that is here to stay and quite rightly loved by celebrities.

A great balayage artist and an inspirational hair designer, one that I would love to have my hair styled by, is Nicky Lazou, check here YouTube videos out on

I came across here style on one of my favourite YouTubers Kaushal Beauty who had her balayage done by Nicky. See how it turned out here.