So seeing what’s in my handbag seems to be the in thing. Just take a look at to see what the hype is all about and what’s in other people’s bags. Go on, you know you want to! You might even find things you may want to include in your own handbag.
So here comes the key product; the handbag and the most important accessory you can have. It provides a haven for your belongings and an accompaniment to any outfit and ultimate fashion accessory.
My handbag is a beautiful Radley bag which was a present from my sister-in-law for my birthday, so it’s even more special. It is not only sleek but also comes with lots of pockets and storage space.
So now here’s what’s in my handbag:
My diary, bought from Boots which I must admit is a bit girlie, but nonetheless I like it for the cute illustrations. 🙂 I also like the fact that it has a separate month at glance page, so that I can record important dates.
I have my foundation, which is a convenient trial size from Maybelline, small enough for the handbag. See my full review here.
Other usual items include a black mini makeup bag, Rimmel Provocalips, Little Mix palette, Rimmel Matt powder, some brushes and a few lip products.
I also have my pass, work Blackberry, keys, lip liner and a refillable travel atomiser spray. All perfect for when travelling and on the move.
So… What’s in your bag?