You can’t beat a good wedding, whether a family one or one of your friend’s.
Sometimes dressing up can be such a chore and on other times it can be a joy, especially when it is a close wedding and you are dressing up with all of your cousins.
The beauty of wearing an Asian / Pakistani shalwar suit is that it can look elegant and transport you into a whole different world.
The dress I am wearing here is from Karachi, Pakistan. My mum bought it and I was really happy with it when she bought it.
It was different to the traditional dresses. It sports an almost maxi dress look that is in fashion now in Pakistan.
The leggings were also great, I haven’t come across anything like it in the UK. It is almost like lycra, but with a dazzling glittery material. It is out of this world, but was I must admit difficult to put on!
I hope you like it, I added a slicing effect, which gives an interesting look.